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Thanks for joining our competition!

Your entry has been successfully received, and you’re now in the running to win R1000 cash.

The Winner will be announced on 2 December 2024

To find out if you’ve won, be sure to follow us on WhatsApp. We’ll announce the winner there, along with other exciting updates and exclusive offers just for our followers.


Competition terms


Personal loans

Loan solutions for client’s with credit scores above 592

Repayment period: 1-6 months

Repayment period: 6-72 months

Repayment period: 12-72 months

Help for Low Score Clients

Solutions for client’s with credit scores under 592

Consolidation period: 6-60 months (T&C apply)

Credit repair period: 6-60 months (T&C Apply)

Rehabilitation period: 8 months (T&C Apply)

Working Capital

Solutions for business owners

No security required

No monthly repayments

Access a longer repayment terms

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