Safekeeping of your Will

Safekeeping of your Will

The Master of the high court requires and original (hard copy) signed Will when you pass away and your estate needs to be administered.

Getting your Will drafter and signed is one thing. But making sure it’s kept safe and easily retrievable by your executor is another.

Some people pass away & no one knows where the original signed Will is. This is as hard as having no Will at all!

If you pass away tomorrow, do your beneficiaries know where to find your Will?

Our partners recommend signing 2 copies of your Will and sending one to your executor and keeping one for your records.

Most people are dettered by the fact that many insitutions charge for the safekeeping of a Will and so they never get it done.

At Capital legacy, our partner provide a biometrically secured valut in which they securely keep their clients Wills at no cost to them, until they are needed.

Todate they have assisted more than 300 000 clients with their Wills.

Life can be unexpected. Is your Will up to date?