Find out why this widow has not been able to wind up her husband’s estate for 5 years


The decisions we make today impact the future lives of our loved ones. A few weeks ago, we consulted a client for business funding, and she asked us to run through our other products with her. When we discussed our estate planning service she paused and said” I feel Like I am going to cry. If only my husband and I had heard about your service when he was alive, you would have been able to save us from the reality we face today.”

Her husband had nominated his mother as the executor of his estate when he was still alive. He thought he was making the right choice for his family, yet his family were left without financial support. It has been 5 years since he passed and the mother in law has failed to wind up the estate. In the meantime, the surviving children have finished school and now have no money to continue with studies. Our client is a single mother who had to start a business to try support her family, but she can barely survive.

This case study shows what can happen if you do not choose the correct executor to wind up your estate. People may feel that choosing a family member for the job is the correct decision, but a family member does not compare to experts. A will expert has experience and is educated in this field. This enables them to be able to wind up the estate in the least time possible. An expert also has no emotional ties or own history with your family to cloud their judgement. All they must work with is your last wishes in your testament and the law. That is why using a 3rd party expert is a wise decision to ensure your beneficiaries do not suffer when you are no longer here to fend for them.

When your vehicle breaks, you take it an auto mechanic. When you need medical advice, you see a medical expert. If this is the case, why would you leave your estate planning and execution to anyone else but a will expert?

National wills week will take place from the 26th until the 30th of October 2020. It is a time of the year focused on ensuring South African’s have their wills updated. Freedom of testation is the privilege for all South Africans. It is important that your will is updated once per year to reflect your current circumstances.

75% of South African’s die without a valid will when drafting a will is a free service. That is why we are reaching out to our clients to let you know we can help you get your estate affairs in order without hassle. We can arrange a will specialist to come meet with you personally and help you draft your will. The original copy will be stored in a secure vault and you have unlimited free updates.

As an added benefit you are also shown a rand and cent calculation of what it cost you to wind up your estate. You can also make provision to have the costs exempted through planning now.

It’s inevitable that we will all die but nobody knows when it will happen. It’s for this reason that it is important to have your affairs in order. Make sure your last wishes are honored and your children protected.

You can complete our form below to book a consultation with a will specialist that will meet with you at your convenience.