
The real cost of dying

The real cost of dying

Along with the heartache of death comes a variety of additional burdens in the form of legal fees and expenses that must be taken care of by your loved ones.

By understanding these legal fees and expenses, you can prepare for them to ensure the costs are covered and the burden on your loved ones are alleviated.

Executor fees 

This is the industry standard fee charged by the executor or assisting professional to wind up your estate. A maximum of 3.5% plus vat is usually charged.

Testamentary trust fees

This is the fee charged by the trustees to administer the trust created in terms of your will. It’s usually set up to manage the money left to minor children.

Conveyancing attorney fees

This is the fee charged by the conveyancing attorney when property needs to be transferred.

A solution to cover the costs for your loved ones

Our partners are will specialists and have developed a unique legacy protection plan to help you plan now to cover all these fees for your beneficiaries when you pass away.

You can guard your legacy and protect your family from the financial burden of expenses and taxes. Provide certainty and security from as little as R78.44 per month.

The indemnity plan covers the fees of the executor, testamentary trust, conveyance attorney and non-estate asset administration.

Understanding this information via email is a difficult task and that’s why we prefer to set up an appointment for you to personally meet with a qualified will specialist. They will explain the process, help you draw up your will at no charge and show you the rand and cent calculation of what you can expect to pay for your estate.  

Your will is the most important document that you will sign so it’s imperative that you have the correct guidance for your estate planning.

We work nationally and can book an appointment with a consultant in your area. 

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