You Will is a vitally important document that outlines your final wishes when you pass away. When you draft your Will, you can nominate the executor of your choice for your estate. This is an important decision as the executor must be approved and appointed by the master of the high court. The executor is given full authority to administer...

Did you know that passing away without a valid Will in place can be devastating for your dependants? Your children’s inheritance could pass to the government’s guardian’s fund or to the appointed guardian rather than to a trust that will ensure your wishes for them are carried out. That means you would lose control over your children’s inheritance if you...
What information should be included in your Will?

Your Last Will & Testament is one of the most important documents you will ever sign. Therefore, making sure you draft your Will properly & professionally ensures that you effectively plan for the unexpected and protect your loved ones from a disaster. What should your Will include? Who your beneficiaries will be. What items, assets, or amount of money each...
Who may sign as a witness on your Will?

Your Last Will & Testament is an extremely important document. That’s why it is paramount to make sure it is signed and witnessed correctly so it will be accepted by the master of the high court. Who may witness your Will? Anyone over the age of 14 who is competent to appear in court as a witness may act as...
What are the requirements for a valid Will

Nearly 75% of South Africans pass away without a valid Will in place. There are times when people draft or update their wills but they are deemed to be invalid by the courts and hence get rejected. This can be as disastrous as having no Will. For a Will to be valid in South Africa it has to adhere to...
How much does it cost to draft a Will?

Many people put off drafting their wills because they perceive it as a costly endeavor. However, it’s important to understand that the expenses associated with drafting a will can fluctuate significantly depending on various factors. These factors include the complexity of the will itself and the choice of service provider. It’s essential to consider these factors carefully to make informed...
What is a last Will & Testament

A last Will & testament is a legal document outlining one’s estate distribution wishes upon death. In estate planning, ensuring assets distribute as desired is crucial. Understanding the Components of a Last Will & Testament A typical last Will & testament contains several key components: Identification of Beneficiaries: The Will specifies who will inherit your assets after your death. This...
Bridging Finance Solutions

When clients delay their payments, it directly affects your business cash flow. If it is the 25th of the month and your bank balance is low and salaries are due. You will need a fast cash injection to keep your business liquid. Traditional channels like banks can take weeks for approval. Banks also do not offer unsecured loans to business...
Inheritance Taxes such as Estate Duty and Capital Gains Tax

Tax is unavoidable even at death. That is why understanding the various taxes that your estate could be liable for is an important part of estate planning. Estate duty is a tax charged on the transfer of assets from the deceased estate to their beneficiaries. If the deceased is a resident in South Africa, their worldwide assets will be subject...
Overheads payable on death, non-legal fees noted on the Liquidation and Distribution Account

We have been discussing the pitfalls you can experience without proper estate planning. In pitfall 2 we mentioned all the legal fees that will need to be covered by your estate or beneficiaries. Today we would like to tell you about other fees that will be due to wind up your estate. The additional fees include: 1. Master fees2. Clearance certificates...
Business Turnover: Maximizing Loan Opportunities

Understanding the impact of business turnover on financial prospects is paramount for entrepreneurs who are eager to advance their ventures. Consider the case of John, a driven entrepreneur with a vision to expand his business empire. With a business turnover ranging between two-to-five-million-rand, John approached Premier Finance with high hopes of substantial support. However, receiving an offer of just one...
The need for cash liquidity following the death of a family member

When you pass away it takes some time to wind up your estate. During this period (which can be a few months), your beneficiaries may be left without income. They may be worried about funeral expenses, bond repayments, school fees or other expenses and are reliant upon receiving payment from your life policy. If the claim is straightforward and the...