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The real cost of dying

Cost of dying

Along with the heartache of death, the cost of dying brings additional burdens in the form of legal fees and expenses. These financial responsibilities must be managed by your loved ones, adding to their stress during an already difficult time. Understanding these costs can help you plan better and ease the burden on your family. By understanding these legal fees...

Passing away without a will or valid will

Passing away without a will or valid will

Your will is probably the most important document that you will ever sign. Too many put off this important task until it is too late, which can have devastating consequences for loved ones. Here are five top consequences of not having a valid will: 1. You won’t be able to decide who inherits what and your estate will be distributed...

How our registration process helps our clients

hands typing on laptop to register

You landed on our website looking for a form to apply for a service, but it’s not visible to visitors. This is not the norm for an intermediary website and you may have questions about why we are different? What is the registration all about?  Since the beginning of Premier Finance, our followers made requests for personalized newsletters. We received...

Covid-19 lock down services that can help you

corona virus

Services active during the Covid-19 lock down The Covid-19 lock down in South Africa has a direct impact on our financial system. The slow down in business increases the risk for credit default. This is a very high risk period for our lending partners. We received communication last week with changes to our lending partner’s business operations. As a result...

How to grow your business with a working capital loan

calculator and pen

How do you grow your business with a working capital loan in 2021? Back in 2014 I had attended a wealth seminar in search for new ideas and opportunities. There were a few speakers, including international guests pitching their brand or business. The place was buzzing with entrepreneurs and business owners. We all were to the brim with enthusiasm and...

Prudence is power for South African businesses owners

lady working on a laptop

Rolling down a hill without brakes is an image in many minds when thinking of the current financial state of South Africa. So how do we navigate our businesses through what seems like an inevitable crash? Prudence is power for South African business owners and action on tough decisions await as things unravel. Let’s take a look at a few...